A large part of the design for THE TEMPEST revolved around the correct execution of many wiring/soldering projects. As a member of the Electrics Department at Columbia College, I was responsible for the build, and in this case design, of the projects you see below. Many of these projects needed to be quickly and accurately realized early in the production process in order to effectively communicate their purpose to the director (Tom Mula) and the rest of the design team.
The dynamic water effect you see below was a centerpiece scenic element of the play. As lighting designer, my goal was to make the ocean drop feel alive and pulsing with the rest of the play. I chose to use a flowing mylar material and LED lights to create the effect. The LED lights allowed me to cater the tone of the ocean to fit each scene specifically.
The dynamic water effect from the front.
This ship, discovered by our Props Designer (Grant Sabin), needed to be lit for the first moment of the play. Prospera carried the boat onto the stage, lit only by the light of the ship, as the storm brewed in the background.