~2’ wide by 4’ tall
Metal sculpture (acquired from thrift shop)
WS2812 LED tape
Pixelblaze RGB LED Wifi Controller
Battery Pack/USB Wall Power
A dynamic, lighted wall piece that plays swirling light shows of all kinds. This piece has been imbued with a pixelblaze light sensor and custom code by CODYRYANDESIGN that allows it to gradually increase in brightness as the environment dims.
A demo of NEBULA reacting to light level changes in the environment.
Below is a rough-draft of the code driving nebula through the pixelblaze microcontroller.
As a day-lit room gradually dims with the setting of the sun, specks of bright starlight twinkle and swell throughout the form of this piece.
// This is a fork of Sparks, // - modified to slow down the sparks // - gave them a longer lifetime // - allowed them to loop from one ned to the other sparkHue = 0; //Variable for gradually shifting through hue value sparkSaturation = .9; //Variable for setting saturation numSparks = 1 + (pixelCount); //How many sparks we will generate decay = 0.99; //The decay rate to be applied to each spark maxSpeed = 0.08 //The maximum travel speed of a spark newThreshhold = 0.01 // export var light; export var lightAverage; export var lightPercent; export var lightMin; export var lightMax; export var lightAverageDelta; export var adjustmentTrigger export var sparkHue; export var maxBtn export var calibratedMax lightPercent = .1; lightSum = 0.0; lightAverage = 0.0; numLoops = 0; timer = 0; calibratedMax = false; calibratedMin = false; lightMax = 0.0; lightMin = 0.0; maxBtn = touchRead(0) minBtn = 0 sparks = array(numSparks); sparkX = array(numSparks); pixels = array(pixelCount); export function beforeRender(delta) { lightSum = lightSum + light //Store a sum of the last 800ms of light readings. timer += delta //Keep track of how many times we loop if(timer > 400) //so that every 400ms we: { if(calibratedMax == 1.0) { //only record the previous light reading after the initial reading lightAveragePrev = lightAverage //Record the previous average lightAverageDelta = lightAverage - lightAveragePrev //Determine the difference between curr and prev readings } lightAverage = lightSum/numLoops //Average the lightSum across the total readings taken if(!calibratedMax || maxBtn){ //On boot up or manual maxBtn push: lightMax = lightAverage; //set maximum threshold to current light level calibratedMax = true; //and set our Max calibration flag to True } if(!calibratedMin){ //On boot up: lightMin = -lightMax*PI; //set minimum light reading to 10% of maximum calibratedMin = true; //and set our Min calibration flag to True } if(minBtn) { //If button is pressed by user: lightMin = lightAverage; //set the minimum threshold to current light level (lowest light levels) } lightSum = 0 //At the end of our condition, reset variables timer = 0 numLoops = 0 } //Reverse output values for light to create an inverse map lightPercent = InputMap(lightAverage, lightMin, lightMax, 1.0, 0.0); //Comment out this line to set a fixed delta delta = clamp(lightPercent, 0.0, 1.0); //CHANGE? sparkHue += (random(.002) *triangle(wave(.32)))*delta //Comment out this line to set a fixed color hue for (i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) pixels[i] = pixels[i]*.99; for (i = 0; i < numSparks; i++) { //Increment through the sparks if (sparks[i] >= -newThreshhold && sparks[i] <= newThreshhold) { sparks[i] = (maxSpeed/2) - random(maxSpeed); //Update maxSpeed randomly sparkX[i] = random(pixelCount); //Assign SparkX randomly to a pixel } sparks[i] *= decay; //Update the current sparks value to be 99% of itself sparkX[i] += sparks[i] *delta; //Boost the SparkX sparks' value by the product of the current spark and delta if (sparkX[i] >= pixelCount) { //If the SparkX sparks' value ever exceeds 277 sparkX[i] = 0; //Reset it to 0 } if (sparkX[i] < 0) { //If the SparkX sparks' value ever drops below 0 sparkX[i] = pixelCount - 1; //Update the spark's value to 276 } pixels[floor(sparkX[i])] += sparks[i]*delta; } numLoops++ } export function render(index) { v = pixels[index]; hsv(sparkHue, sparkSaturation, v*v*v*v*v*v*v) } // //Map light readings between 0.0 and 1.0 // lightPercent = clamp(InputMap(lightAverage, lightMin, lightMax, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0) function InputMap(input, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) { return (input - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; }